5 Easy Tips to Decrease Your Carbon Footprint and Save Money

Making simple changes to your everyday routine can not only help decrease your carbon footprint but also save you money? Here are seven easy tips to help you go green and save some green at the same time.
1. Drive Less, Walk or Bike More
One of the most significant sources of carbon emissions is transportation. Opting to walk or cycle whenever possible can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. Not only will you save on gas costs, but you’ll also enjoy health benefits from increased physical activity. And if you must drive, don’t forget about carpooling — sharing rides with friends or coworkers is another great way to save money, minimize your environmental impact and share some time with a friend.
2. Unplug Electronics
Many electronic devices continue to consume energy in standby mode even when switched off. To avoid wasting energy and money, simply unplug your devices when they’re not in use. To make it easier, install a power strip with a switch to turn off multiple devices at once. This one simple habit can save you money on your energy bill while reduce your carbon emissions too.
3. Buy Second Hand … Safely
Consider buying second-hand items when possible, to save money and give new life to pre-loved goods. However, research purchases carefully and avoid items that may present safety issues when purchased used and be extra careful about items brough in into environments with kids. Check to make certain items haven’t been subject to a safety recall or times that may have been treated with lead paint.
4. Switch to LEDs
Traditional incandescent light bulbs aren’t energy-efficient and can contribute to higher electricity bills at the end of the month. Replacing them with LED bulbs can cut your energy usage, save money on utilities reducing your carbon footprint. LED bulbs also last much longer than incandescent ones, so over time you’ll save on replacement costs.
5. Plant Edibles
Growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs not only saves you money on groceries but also reduces the carbon emissions associated with the transport of produce to your supermarket and home. Additionally, plants help remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. A home garden can also provide a fun, rewarding hobby that promotes a healthier lifestyle and is highly educational for kids (who may even eat more veggies as a result).
A Win-Win for the Planet and Your Pocketbook
Minimizing your carbon footprint and saving money don’t have to be competing objectives. By adopting some simple, eco-friendly habits, you can make a positive impact on the planet while enjoying the many benefits of a greener — and more cost-effective — lifestyle.